The Streicher household is located in New York County, NY (enumeration district 330). They rent their home on 253 E 10th St.


View data for this person's household in 1900

View a map of this person's neighborhood in 1900


View data for this person's household in 1920

View a map of this person's neighborhood in 1920

Julius Streicher is the head of the household. He is 39 years old, white, and has been married for 7 years. He and his parents were born in Germany. He immigrated to the US in 1885, and has his first papers towards naturalization. He listed his occupation as "provision dealer" which has an occupational standing score of 68. He can read, write, and speak English.

Christine Streicher is the spouse of Julius Streicher. She is 33 years old, white, and has been married for 7 years. She has given birth to 1 child, still living. She and her parents were born in Germany. She immigrated to the US in 1889, and her citizenship status is unknown. She can read and write English, but not speak it.

Eliza Streicher is the child of Julius Streicher. She is 6 years old and white. She was born in New York, and her parents were born in Germany.