Welcome to the Rio/São Paulo web-based mapping system.



This system uses ESRI’s GIS Server to display mapped data for two Brazilian cities in 2000 and 2010. The original data and shape files are drawn from Brazil’s national statistical institute (IBGE). Data are presented at two geographic scale, the Areas de Ponderaçao (APs, average population size about 32,000) and the much smaller Setores Censitarios (SCs). We make data available in a more convenient form, selecting only a subset of important variables at either scale, aggregating SC data to the AP scale, and drawing on available microdata samples provided by IBGE to create a number of additional variables at the AP scale.

The system initially displays a map of Brazil including both Rio and São Paulo. Users can select a data layer from the dropdown menus that appear when clicking the menu selector in the upper left corner. The year slider determines the year of the data, and the user will notice that many variables are available only in 2000 or in 2010. The zoom level determines the scale of data to display – at a low zoom level the maps show data at the AP scale, switching the SCs as the user zooms in further.

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