Variable Name Description FORMULA
t_hh Household total
hhmc Household of married couples with coresiding child
t_tot Total population 1 (100%)
t_age Total population 2 (from age variable)
und16 Population 16 and younger
over18 Population 18 and older
marr Population married, age 18+
over60 Population 60 and older
t_m Population male age 18-44
t_f Population female age 18-44
wht Population White
blk Population Black
mlt Population Mulatto
ntv Population American Indian
yan Population Yankee (NWNP)
can Population Canadian
brt Population British
ire Population irish
ger Population German
swe Population Swedish
nor Population Norwegian
dan Population Danish
fra Population French
chn Population Chinese
fborn Population Foreign-born
can2 Population 2nd-gen Canadian
brt2 Population 2nd-gen British
ire2 Population 2nd-gen Irish
ger2 Population 2nd-gen German
swe2 Population 2nd-gen Swedish
nor2 Population 2nd-gen Norwegian
dan2 Population 2nd-gen Danish
fra2 Population 2nd-gen French
chn2 Population 2nd-gen Chinese
t_seit Men and women age 15-64
t_seim Men age 15-64
t_seif Women age 15-64
seit Men and women with SEI age 15-64
seim Men with SEI age 15-64
seif Women with SEI age 15-64
m_sei Mean SEI
phhmc %Household of married couples with child  t_hhmc /  t_hh
pyan %Yankee  yan /  t_tot
pcan %Canadian  can /  t_tot
pbrt %British  brt /  t_tot
pire %Irish  ire /  t_tot
pger %German  ger /  t_tot
pswe %Swedish  swe /  t_tot
pnor %Norwegian  nor /  t_tot
pdan %Danish  dan /  t_tot
pfra %French  fra /  t_tot
pchn %Chinese  chn /  t_tot
pblk %Black  blk /  t_tot
pmlt %Mulato  mlt /  t_tot
pntv %American Indian  ntv /  t_tot
pfborn %Foreign-born  fborn /  t_tot
pcan2 %2nd-gen Canadian  cann /  t_tot
pbrt2 %2nd-gen British  brtn /  t_tot
pire2 %2nd-gen Irish  iren /  t_tot
pger2 %2nd-gen German   gern /  t_tot
pswe2 %2nd-gen Swedish  swen /  t_tot
pnor2 %2nd-gen Norwegian  norn /  t_tot
pdan2 %2nd-gen Danish  dann /  t_tot
pfra2 %2nd-gen French  fran /  t_tot
pchn2 %2nd-gen Chinese  chnn /  t_tot
pcan1 %1st-gen Canadian ( can -  can2) /  t_tot
pbrt1 %1st-gen British ( brt -  brt2) /  t_tot
pire1 %1st-gen Irish ( ire -  ire2) /  t_tot
pger1 %1st-gen German  ( ger -  ger2) /  t_tot
pswe1 %1st-gen Swedish ( swe -  swe2) /  t_tot
pnor1 %1st-gen Norwegian ( nor -  nor2) /  t_tot
pdan1 %1st-gen Danish ( dan -  dan2) /  t_tot
pfra1 %1st-gen French ( fra -  fra2) /  t_tot
pchn1 %1st-gen Chinese ( chn -  chn2) /  t_tot
p16under %Age 16 and younger  under16 /  t_age
p60over %Age 60 and older  over60 /  t_age
sex_ratio Sex ratio age 18-44  t_f /  t_m
pmarried %Married among age18+  marr /  over18
psei_t %Men and women with SEI among age 15-64  seit /  t_seit
psei_m %Men with SEI among age 15-64  seim /  t_seim
psei_f %Women with SEI among age 15-64  seif /  t_seif