- 5/26/2012, THE NEW MEXICAN: Poverty is pervasive in Santa Fe schools, but educators say it's a challenge — not an excuse
- 4/25/2012, THE HUFFINGTON POST: A New Take on 'No Excuses' -- Tackling Poverty to Provide Meaningful Opportunity
- 3/29/2012, THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS: America's rich/poor education gap
- 02/16/2012, TIME: Class Notes: Common Core, Chinese Schools and More Education News
- 02/15/2012, CHICAGO TRIBUNE: 'America in decline' denial
- 02/15/2012, ROCK CENTER WITH BRIAN WILLIAMS: Schools in bankrupt city work to prove poverty is no barrier to success
- 02/11/2012, THE ATLANTIC: Occupy Kindergarten: The Rich-Poor Divide Starts With Education
- 02/09/2012, THE NEW YORK TIMES: Education Gap Grows Between Rich and Poor, Studies Say
- 12/01/2011, BOSTON REVIEW: Education and Inequality
- 12/012011, TWIN CITIES DAILY PLANET: The achievement gap is a middle class issue
- 11/30/2011, SEATTLE MEDIUM: 2012: Demand For Excellence In Education Empowerment
- 10/23/2011, CALIFORNIA WATCH: State has one of nation's highest gaps in Hispanic-white reading proficiency
- 10/10/2011, CALIFORNIA WATCH: Low-income students score lower on AP tests