Santa Ana-Anaheim-Irvine, CA Metropolitan Division

Data for the Metropolitan Statistical Area

This Metropolitan Division belongs to following MSA:
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area
In this Metropolitan area:
Counties:Orange County  
Principal Cities:Tustin, CA,Irvine, CA,Orange, CA,Fullerton, CA,Fountain Valley, CA,Santa Ana, CA,Costa Mesa, CA,Anaheim, CA,Newport Beach,

This page provides data for Hispanic national origin groups in 1990, 2000, and 2010 for this metropolitan region. For a national overview report on these groups, see report. Hispanics have been classified by their responses to the census’s Hispanic origin question, which asks people to list a specific origin such as Mexican or Puerto Rican. Data here for 2000 include the US2010 Project’s reallocation of many people from the “other Hispanic” category (which was overstated in the 2000 Census) to specific origin groups. The methodology is explained in detail in the national report.

For data on segregation and neighborhood characteristics we combine Central American and South American origins because these measures require using tract-level data, and the samples for specific Central and South American groups are often too small to yield reliable values.

Three segregation measures are used here. The Index of Dissimilarity (D) is the most common measure. It summarizes how differently one group is distributed across census tracts than another group. More specifically it shows how what percentage of members of one group would have to be relocated to tracts where they are currently under-represented in order to achieve an even distribution. A value of 0 means there is no segregation; a value of 100 means that there is total apartheid, no overlap between where members of one group and the other group live.

The exposure measures are more intuitive. They calculate the racial/ethnic composition of the census tract where the average group member lives. For example, if exposure of Mexicans to non-Hispanic whites were 40.0, that means the average Mexican lives in a tract that is 40.0% non-Hispanic white.

Average neighborhood characteristics are just like these exposure measures, but they show other features. Regardless of the variable shown, the value shows what the neighborhood of the average group member is like. Formally it is a weighted average of neighborhood values, weighted by the number of group members in the tract.

Numbers of group members in this MSA …


  1990 2000 2010 Growth
Hispanic total 556,957 875,579 1,012,973 81.9%
 Mexican 472,284 756,622 858,068 81.7%
 Puerto Rican 8,525 9,648 11,090 30.1%
 Cuban 6,236 7,307 8,352 33.9%
 New Latino groups 45,670 58,528 82,138 79.9%
   Dominican 474 555 749 58.0%
   Central American 25,438 34,070 49,115 93.1%
      Guatemalan 7,650 9,683 16,365 113.9%
      Honduran 1,249 1,804 3,143 151.6%
      Nicaraguan 2,409 2,215 3,402 41.2%
      Panamanian 707 821 951 34.5%
      Salvadoran 12,122 14,463 22,694 87.2%
      Other Central American 1,301 5,085 2,560 96.8%
   South American 19,758 23,903 32,274 63.3%
      Colombian 5,084 5,466 7,832 54.1%
      Ecuadorian 1,917 2,053 3,530 84.1%
      Peruvian 4,533 6,139 9,333 105.9%
      Other South American 8,224 10,245 11,579 40.8%
 Other Hispanic 24,242 43,474 53,325 120.0%



Measures of residential segregation in this MSA …


D from whites Exposure to whites Exposure to Hispanics
  1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010
Hispanic total .501 .551 .541 .437 .318 .285 .449 .532 .534
Mexican .545 .574 .573 .411 .305 .268 .476 .547 .555
Puerto Rican .495 .294 .272 .604 .525 .466 .256 .285 .315
Cuban .537 .273 .239 .603 .548 .499 .264 .265 .290
Dominican .931 .650 .521 .652 .522 .473 .209 .272 .304
Central American .582 .539 .539 .453 .342 .294 .433 .502 .517
South American .383 .263 .255 .644 .542 .471 .220 .272 .307


The average group member lived in a neighborhood with these characteristics …


You can select any one of 12 neighborhood characteristics (based on a person’s census tract) to show in the table below. By default it displays the median household income. For comparison the table also shows the neighborhood characteristics of non-Hispanic whites in this MSA.

Median Household Income
1990 2000 2010
Hispanic total $67,894 $63,299 $63,201
Mexicans $66,313 $62,294 $61,833
Puerto Ricans $76,183 $78,081 $77,953
Cubans $79,526 $83,312 $82,182
Dominicans $79,140 $79,318 $79,552
Central Americans $67,045 $64,404 $62,986
South Americans $81,862 $81,101 $79,063
Non-Hispanic whites $89,893 $90,624 $88,542


Choose a different indicator:





©Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences, Brown University