Here is what we know about this person from the 1920 census.

Sarah Stein


View data for this person's household in 1900

View a map of this person's neighborhood in 1900


View data for this person's household in 1920

View a map of this person's neighborhood in 1920


Sarah Stein immigrated to the U.S. from Russia in 1900 and was naturalized in 1912.  In 1900, 20-year old Sarah and her husband Joseph, age 22, were newly married and renting a home on Madison Ave. in Manhattan.  At this time, Joseph, who immigrated from Austria in 1901 and was naturalized in 1914, was employed as a bricklayer. While Joseph could read, write, and speak English, Sarah could do none of these.  In 1920, the couple resided at 1501 Neck Rd. in Brooklyn, an ethnically and religiously diverse area, with their two children, ages 13 and 12, who were both attending school.  Sarah could now read, write, and speak English, while Joseph was working in a significantly better paying job as a self-employed manager of officials.